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Written by Dušan Roštár - the "mr edge case" guy
my twitter : rostacik, my linkedin : rostar, drop me an email : here

  1. September 04, 2024

    This post documents my fabulous journey through time to uncover the hidden traps of trusting the claim that once you have package.json and package-lock.json and same NodeJS version you are safe.

  2. August 24, 2023

    I was thinking about doing this kind of article for quite some time now, mostly since I discovered Android app named AccuBattery (you can easily download it on play store, no referral links needed here). There are more apps that will tell you the temperature and voltage and current but I will use this one as sample in my article.

  3. August 17, 2023

    I was thinking about doing this kind of article for quite some time now, mostly since I discovered Android app named AccuBattery (you can easily download it on play store, no referral links needed here). There are more apps that will tell you the temperature and voltage and current but I will use this one as sample in my article.

  4. January 21, 2023

    We have all been there. Eval is evil "BUT" here is this HTML element prop and you need to call this like it is. OK, sure, it worked until now. But it was a good old sync JS function. Now there might be an async function and we need to await it. Now what?

  5. December 19, 2015

    Na Slovensku niekoľko dní späť potešil operátor 4ka svojich zákazníkov 1GB dátovým balíčkom zdarma. Super, poviete si. Vložíte SIM do telefónu, zapnete dáta a ... nestane sa nič. Hľadáte problém...

  6. August 17, 2015

    If you are using TypeScript nightly (and only with TypeScript 1.6 up) you can use in your tsconfig.json new property exclude which will mostly be used for node_modules like this ...

  7. August 14, 2015

    If you would like to disable building TypeScript files in your solution for some reason (you want different build workflow, you just work on .cs files and don’t touch .ts files), you had to search for some kind of ifs or comments out to the project file in previous version of Visual Studio...

  8. April 29, 2015

    I needed simple and short solution for creating custom DTO objects with simple logic for later reuse elsewhere. Function essentialy takes “constructor” argument and returns object with properties that have getters with small piece of logic and are using constructor parameter. No inheritance ...

  9. November 27, 2013

    Since I upgraded my Windows 7 developer box with Internet Explorer 11 I am very satisfied with how Microsoft upgraded developer tools. They have added new stuff and it works (well from time to time IE freezes but that might be also my problem with my JavaScript since other browsers hang/crash from time to time on my code also). But that is another story..

  10. April 08, 2013

    At first it seems like development tools freezed. Also IE as such freezed. What I saw was IE with page in the back and tools with note you see above. I clicked on IE icon in taskbar and saw two “windows” like this...

  11. March 11, 2013

    Because I had to troubleshoot this weekend in total 2 notebooks (why not booting, unable to install Windows 7, etc.) I came across one useful tool that is able to log what is...

  12. February 03, 2013

    I am happy owner of older Kindle Keyboard (without 3G, it should be 3rd generation of Kindle readers). Since I have version without 3G, I am downloading everything via WiFi at home. I often read articles from our local web magazines or development articles with help of this tool - Kindle It, really good Firefox plugin....

  13. September 28, 2012

    Since I moved to greener pastures from beginning of this month and I work for Danish customer, I am learning Sitecore CMS system (which I see they love in DK) and because I tend to work with latest SW, I installed Windows 8 with built in IIS8...

  14. March 05, 2012

    Please, disable Save button on whole screen according to role. You as dev will say OK, why not. Then you will come to Lightswitch IDE , right click Save button to create Can Run event handler and you will see (screaming, swearing / insert appropriate) something like this...

  15. February 26, 2012

    We have entity that has reference to another entity. Employee has reference to Status. This second Status table has set for some business requirement that his Summary property must be set to value that can repeat. I know this makes it hard to tell which value from all possible was picked, but say it is so. Another reason is that summary property is displayed as selected value in grid....

  16. January 07, 2012

    Many to Many (or n to m) relationships in real world scenarios are quite common. Unfortunately this cardinality LightSwitch doesn't handle out of box (maybe in next version we will see). But this task can be done. With help of WCF RIA Services. And resources around the internet, like this one...

  17. January 02, 2012

    With smaller screen resolution (or with requirement for bigger grids) comes possibility to create slide-able columns or rows in UI very handy. And in LightSwitch it’s possible with few clicks on checkboxes. 🙂 I will show you how in this small example...

  18. December 28, 2011

    Adding custom validation is quite easy task, but currently Microsoft has problem with not updated MSDN article I just would like to tell you that code snippet on this MSDN page is not working...