This blog runs Gatsby and I have been quite happy with it for what I need but after my latest post I noticed something was broken when I tried to npm i from scratch and build the site. This post documents my fabulous journey through time to uncover the hidden traps of trusting the claim that once you have package.json and package-lock.json and same NodeJS version you are safe.
Problem no. 1 - npm install doesn’t work for some reason
I got the same problem from my Windows 10 box and from my Azure Devops unix agent that looks like this :
npm error npm error code 127
npm error npm error path /home/vsts/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-cloneIA1764/node_modules/@gatsbyjs/reach-router
npm error npm error command failed
npm error npm error command sh -c husky install
npm error npm error sh: 1: husky: not found
The fix
This one was quite simple - having husky in package.json didn’t helped, neither running npm install -g husky so the last option was to opt out from running post install task/s and run npm install --ignore-scripts
, this way the node_modules was created and everyone was happy.
Problem no. 2 - Error: Something went wrong installing the “sharp” module , Cannot find module ‘../build/Release/sharp-win32-x64.node’
OK so now the npm install problem out of the way we can build the thing, right? Big fat NOPE, we can’t since we have different problem now (the error is different a bit since I took this from my Azure DevOps unix agent):
success compile gatsby files - 1.230s
success load gatsby config - 0.046s
Something went wrong installing the "sharp" module
- Install with verbose logging and look for errors: "npm install --ignore-scri pts=false --foreground-scripts --verbose sharp"
- Install for the current linux-x64 runtime: "npm install --platform=linux --a rch=x64 sharp"
- Consult the installation documentation: all (plugins)
- sharp.js:37 Object.<anonymous>
- loader:1469 Module._compile
- loader:1548 Object.Module._extensions..js
- loader:1288 Module.load
- loader:1104 Function.Module._load
- loader:1311 Module.require
- helpers:179 require
- constructor.js:11 Object.<anonymous>
- loader:1469 Module._compile
- loader:1548 Object.Module._extensions..js
- loader:1288 Module.load
- loader:1104 Function.Module._load
- loader:1311 Module.require
- helpers:179 require
- index.js:6 Object.<anonymous>
- loader:1469 Module._compile
not finished load plugins - 0.321s
##[error]Bash exited with code '1'.
The fix no. 1
Sweet, running npm list sharp
in the root reveals several spots where the sharp package is, all seems fine but well it is not.
A bit of google reveals this link : and exactly this line :
npm install --os=linux --cpu=x64 sharp
Since it seems that we are not able to specify os and cpu exactly in package.json I tried this as separate post npm install step and it worked like charm!
Just for the record, for Windows the step should look like this :
npm install --os=win --cpu=x64 sharp
or respectively you might need to change the cpu on your box.
The fix no. 2
Since the publication of this post I found out there is another possible solution so maybe you need to switch the previous step with this (I found out that I had the problem to run sharp on unix build agents, Windows was fine for some reason)
npm rebuild --verbose sharp
as described and here
Problem no. 3 - How to change the azure-pipelines.yml
This one is quite easy : I made separate steps to install NodeJS, to npm install with -ignore-scripts, then to force sharp to be installed with correct os and cpu and then npm run build and you are done. For my setup this snippet works like charm :
# Node.js
# Build a general Node.js project with npm.
# Add steps that analyze code, save build artifacts, deploy, and more:
- main
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- task: UseNode@1
version: '22.x'
displayName: 'Install Node.js 22.x'
- script: |
npm install --ignore-scripts
displayName: 'npm i with --ignore-scripts'
- script: |
npm rebuild --verbose sharp
displayName: 'npm rebuild --verbose sharp'
- script: |
npm run build
displayName: 'build gatsby webpage'
- task: AzureStaticWebApp@0
app_location: '/public'
azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(deployment_token)
skip_app_build: true
verbose: true
Please note that these steps did not worked for me with NodeJS 22, I got under unix this error :
error "internal-data-bridge" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
"length" is outside of buffer bounds
RangeError: "length" is outside of buffer bounds
- buffer:1066 Buffer.proto.utf8Write
- pack.js:31 Packr.encodeUtf8
- pack.js:324 pack
- pack.js:702 Packr.writeRecord
- pack.js:422 pack
- pack.js:129 Packr.pack.encode
- write.js:89 writeInstructions
- write.js:601 LMDBStore.put
- caching.js:80 LMDBStore.put
- nodes.ts:14 updateNodes
- lmdb-datastore.ts:247 updateDataStore
- lmdb-datastore.ts:298 callback
- index.ts:183
Hope this helps.