Using Azure App Service Web Apps continuous deployment with GitHub organizations

January 21, 2018

I am using happily deployments from GitHub to Azure functions, but I wanted to use a repo I have in another Organizations collection. I came across this article : which is currently just partially true, because GitHub UI changed a bit.

In Installed GitHub apps where the Azure Management Portal app should be I see 0 apps : installed github apps

but Authorized OAuth Apps is now the tab where you should go.

authorized oauth apps

and clicking on the name of app (Azure Management Portal) you will now see a list of your organizations that could be granted to be listed in your account (here I already granted access for one ogranization): github granted permissions

Now in you could see something like this : azure github with organizations

Hope this helps.

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Written by Dušan Roštár - the "mr edge case" guy
my twitter : rostacik, my linkedin : rostar, drop me an email : here